by jamie | Jun 19, 2015 | Cancer, Cancer, Family & Life
Back home unfortunately… So much easier to find #motivation and #energy to get up everyday and battle life and #cancer when you are on a beautiful #vaca like @SanDestin !#CancerTraveler pic @InterContinental on way home with my #BundlesofHope #Blankie a reminder of Rorie. Also…you can see me carrying our new #Minelab #CTX3030 #MetalDetector !!!! One thing I learned over our trip is I am seriously out of shape, walking and #digging in the sand is probably easier for people that haven’t been battling cancer for years… So think I need to start going to the gym before my next trip 🙂 ~ Jamie #MetalDetectingStuff #BeepBeepDig #JamiesHope...
by jamie | Jun 18, 2015 | Cancer
Warning: Heating Pad Burn!!!! I am on a heating pad 24/7 for #Pain and at some point this happened and has been like this for several months (not going away). The #scar is unrelated…from cancer removal at 23 years old then #hip replacement at 25. Sorry… for the graphic image…. #CancerReality ~ Jamie #CancerFreeWay #JamiesHope #Cancer #HeatingPadBurn #Ouch #Scar #HipReplacement #2ndDegreeBurn...
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